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Does a British Person Actually Like You?

Does a British Person Actually Like Me

Yep, pretty much, right? Thanks to Overheard in Waitrose for this gem.

When Nicky married James



Lest anyone think for even a second that I’m somehow a fan of Nicky Hilton, let me start this blog post by saying no. no. no.

But when she married Brit’s James Rothschild in London this weekend… well, I had to at least look at the photos, right? From an Anglo-American perspective? You’re curious, too?

Here are some of the photos …

Nicky Hilton's wedding table


Nicky Hilton's wedding


Nicky Hilton's wedding


Nicky Hilton's wedding


Now don’t we all feel better for having seen these?

10 Things That Brits Don’t Realize Are Offensive to Americans

Stephen Fry

Last week, I blogged about BBC America’s “10 things that Americans don’t realize are offensive to Brits” so naturally we need to cover the other side and discuss the 10 things that Brits don’t realize are offensive to Americans (most of these are pretty self-evident, IMHO, including saying Americans are unsophisticated and criticizing America.) I think the typical British reserve (replying monosyllabically to an American’s “How are you?”) can often be perceived as rude. Are there others?

20 signs you were born and raised in Scotland

Scottish piper

I spent a couple of years living in Scotland – the first year in Stirling, the second in Edinburgh – but I feel almost Scottish born.

Well, apart from the fact I look not-at-all Scottish and can’t speak with a Scottish accent or play the bagpipes. But … but … in spirit, I’m SO Scottish. Love the people, love the music, love the pubs, love the weather most of the time!

How about you? Read these 20 signs you were born and raised in Scotland and see where you land.

15 surprising things about parenting in England

Erin Moore and her husband, Tom, have spent the last seven years in London, where they live with their four-year-old daughter Anne—and another baby on the way

Erin Moore and her husband, Tom, have spent the last seven years in London, where they live with their four-year-old daughter Anne—and another baby on the way.

I liked this Cup of Jo post by Erin Moore, an American, on the 15 surprising things about parenting in England. I became a mom after we moved back to the states so am intrigued by the cultural differences. Particularly the differences on compliments, on never bragging and on drinking (even at an under-fives birthday party at 10 a.m. on a Sunday! Love it!). Read on.

The 28 poshest things that have ever happened

These bloody good blokes enjoying a day at the races

Americans may have “fancy,” but Brits have “posh” and posh beats fancy hands down. For proof, check out Buzzfeed’s amazing collection: “The 28 poshest things that have ever happened.”

The list includes names like Biggles George Fittleworth and seasonal goose eggs, croquet and men in red pants.

If you aren’t sure what posh actually means in the U.K., this will settle it for you for sure! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Where are your people from?

I had to share this – it’s ridiculously accurate, at least from my personal experience!

Ever have one of these encounters?

Does my butt look greedy in this?

Gordon Gekko has never been to a Hometown Buffet.

Greed is good. Gordon Gekko’s famous line from Wall Street still rings true in restaurants across the US.

When I first lived in the UK, I was struck by the concept of greed as it relates to food. I was at a Christmas party and the host had set out a delicious spread of food so guests could help themselves, buffet-style. A British woman in front of me commented on how greedy she was for trying a little of everything. Her plate was modest. She was slim. But still, this concept of greed overwhelmed her – or at least commonplace decency welled up, enough for her to make that comment.

Over the years, I’ve heard these kinds of comments over and over by Brits. Most Americans simply aren’t programmed to think this way. We think of greed in terms of money and possessions, but not in terms of eating too much or supersizing our meals. Gluttony may have been one of the seven deadly sins, but the message seems to have evaded our collective conscience.

I challenge you to visit any all-you-can-eat American restaurant like Golden Corral or Hometown Buffet in search of this distinctly British mentality. I can already guarantee there will be no such modesty and no apologies, aside from “I’m sorry that I couldn’t have made room for that second piece of cobbler” or “I’m sorry I didn’t wear my fat pants tonight” variety.

The cute-ification of things

Aww ... look at the little bitty pressie!

Brits like to cute-ify their words. Cute-ify, you ask? Well, you know, make cuter. Cuten them up. I know, I know, “cute” is a distinctly American word. But it’s the only word that seems appropriate for the random act of adding an “i-e” to words – not in the presence of babies or small children but in everyday life amongst grown-ups. Americans don’t do this. If we’re talking about a present, we call it a present. We don’t call it a “pressie.”

Here are some other examples:

Cardigan = Cardi
Lipstick = Lippie
Chocolate = Choccie (pronounced chock-ie)
Biscuit = Biccie (pronounced bick-ie)
Sweets = Sweetie
Postman = Postie
Swimming costume = Cozzie (I just learned this one, thanks to Tori and Marti – hey, even you both cute-ified your names …)

And there are dozens more like this. Can you think of any others?

A weekend in Edinburgh

If I could be anywhere in the world this weekend, I would kilt up and head to Edinburgh (ed-in-bur-uh).

Not for the haggis, the corner street pipers or the cozy fireside pubs (although those would be nice …). No, I’m thinking specifically about Edinburgh festival season – the mad, vibrant, sensory feast of a party that takes place nearly every day and night in August.

What festival? Well, take your pick. Scotland’s capitol city is currently hosting the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, the International Festival and the Art Festival. There really is something for everyone. Find more information at

But wherever you are spending this weekend, have a fabulous one. I’ll see you back here Monday!