Category Archives: Pets

“Downton Tabby”

Well, if you’ve ever felt like “Downton Abbey” is missing a bit of feline flair (and who hasn’t?), keep an eye out for “Downton Tabby” by Chris Kelly, which will be released Dec. 3.

If this cover is an indicator of the quality read that awaits, we are all in for a treat!

Downton Tabby

Losing a friend

Cat likes muffin

“Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.” – Colette

Yesterday, our cat Poppy passed away after 11 years of life. It’s never easy to lose a pet, but I didn’t expect how much I would really miss the tap-tap-tap of her paws on our floors or the nightly ritual of seeing her leaning into my daughter’s room, quietly listening to a bedtime story, straight out of a scene in “Amelie.” I imagine that she is gleefully bouncing on bedsheets right now somewhere in cat heaven.

R.I.P. Poppy.

Beginner’s guide to mouse taxidermy

mouse taxidermy

Thanks to, I’ve discovered The Hendrick’s Lecture Series and their anthropomorphic mouse taxidermy class. Don’t worry, it’s for beginners and is offered March through July at Hackney City Farm in London. What a find!

(PS. Be sure to read their “Notes” section about the class, if you are thinking of signing up. Most important notes: All mice are ethically sourced and not killed for this class. And please don’t bring any dead animals with you to the class. Thanks!)

Living with an English mastiff

For your Wednesday viewing pleasure … a funny dog video and yes, while the owners are American, the dog is pure English.

Thanks, Liz, for the tip!

The world’s ugliest dog is British

Meet Mugly, a Chinese Crested who was crowned World’s Ugliest Dog, at the Sonoma-Marin Fair held last Friday. The Peterborough-based pooch competed against 29 other dogs from around the globe for the illustrious title that comes with a trophy, a $1,000 prize and a photo shoot.

Read more about Mugly.

Another blow to pets in Britain

A week or so ago, I blogged about the breading cat craze that’s taking over the Internets.

I tried to bread my cat this weekend. She was decidedly uncooperative. So was my bread. The slice was made weakened once I carved out the middle and then she bolted each time I moved toward her with the altered slice. This was the best result I could get:

I’m starting to think breading is just a Photoshop exercise.

In any case, the BBC has reported on another blow for British pets.
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