Blog Archives

Does a British Person Actually Like You?

Does a British Person Actually Like Me

Yep, pretty much, right? Thanks to Overheard in Waitrose for this gem.

Tea drinking test

a cup of tea

Buzzfeed thinks they know how you drink your tea from your answers to just seven random questions. Are they right? Well, take the test and see for yourself.

In my case, they pegged me for a milk-and-one-sugar kind of gal, which I am not. But perhaps my choice of Lionel Ritchie mug made them think I was a bigger softie than I am. Hello?

It’s 10 years since a man was interviewed on BBC by mistake

What happens when a taxi driver Guy Goma turns up at BBC Studios to interview for a job as a Data Support Cleanser but ends up being mistaken for expert Guy Kewney? Well, he gets rushed onto the set to discuss Apple’s court cases with The Beatles record label on live TV. His expression at the start of the interview is just priceless.

Read the full story.

Walmart management’s notes to Shane

Have you seen these entertaining notes from Walmart management to employee Shane? They have been going around virally and the story was picked up by the British Mirror newspaper this week …

Here are just a few gems.




See the full collection!

All of that fun reminded me of my brief stint working at a supermarket in the small British seaside town of Teignmouth so many years ago. One of my co-workers would stick coupons to the floor just to see how many people would stop and try to pick them up, with the fleeting moment of giddy that comes from finding the right bargain.

Those were the days … 😉

Two Scots trapped in an elevator

When is voice-activated lift technology not a good thing? When you’re Scottish …

10 best things about being a British woman


Adele knows it’s awesome to be a British woman.

So maybe the World Health Organization declared that British women had the second lowest life expectancies in Europe … at least they’re not Denmark! Can I get a high five?!

Check out Lauren Laverne’s thoughtful roundup of reasons why it’s still very cool to be a British woman (especially #3, #4 and #5!).

Giving Public Enemy a lift

When Kevin Wells met Public Enemy

Photographer Kevin Wells drove the members of Public Enemy to their show.
Photo credit: Kevin Wells/Twitter

When rap group Public Enemy had a no-show taxi in Sheffield, England, British photographer Kevin Wells offered to drive the group in his Ford Focus. Hilarity ensues.

I love this story.

(And yes, that is Flava Flav back there with the glasses and hat. Where’s his clock necklace?!)

Straight Outta Teignmouth

Oh, Interwebs … you are a true time suck, but so many gems abound.

Take, for instance, this little beauty I found on my Facebook feed.

For anyone who has passed through the west coast of Devon, you may know Teignmouth. It’s a pretty little seaside town, where my husband grew up, and I find this video so amusing and evocative – I feel like I’ve just visited. Amazing.

Yorkshire Mr. Men

Yorkshire Mr. Men

Ah, I love the Mr. Men series. Mr. Tickle, Mr. Messy, Mr. Nosey. So iconic!

But this did make me laugh – well, why not a Yorkshire Mr. Men series, right?!

Peter Kay’s Car Share

Peter Kay's Car Share

Peter Kay and Sian Foulkes star in “Car Share.”

I’ve just discovered the funniest British TV comedy that I’ve seen in ages – “Car Share.” I’ve binge watched it this past week and it’s been so hilarious with heart and the greatest soundtrack to boot!

The story centers on Peter Kay and Sian Gibson, who have been randomly assigned to ride share every day to and from their job at a supermarket. They chat. They listen to a fictional radio station of classic tunes called Forever FM. They bicker. Think “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” meets “The Office.” There’s great banter and a little will-they-won’t-they tension that makes for great watching.

And I’m not alone – the new show has become BBC iPlayer’s most successful series to premiere as a box-set.

You can find episodes on YouTube – all six of them. Yep, that’s sadly all there is, but it has a great and complete ending with room for a second season.

Here’s the trailer …