Daily Archives: 7, January 2013

A hotter toddy

Photo credit: F. Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal

Photo credit: F. Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal

Is it just me or is this cold/flu season hitting particularly hard?

I suffered the better part of November with a lingering cough that I couldn’t kick (although I would’ve kicked it hard, wearing a pair of steel-toed Doc Martens, if I could) – and the more people that I talk to, the more I realize that this is one monster of a cold going around. But never fear … there are remedies! Good ones! In this weekend’s Wall Street Journal, a suggestion for an outstanding one went something like this:

Hot Toddy

In a large cup, combine 1 spoonful honey, juice of 1/4 lemon, 1 cinnamon stick, small dash of cayenne (optional but recommended) and the tea bag of your choice. Stick 3 cloves into 1 small lemon wedge and add to the cup. Pour in a slug of bourbon, as much or as little as you like. Fill cup with boiling water, stir well and let steep 5 minutes. Savor slowly; repeat as necessary.

Yes! Cayenne and tea jazz up this classic recipe. The writer suggests Earl Gray, Chai, ginger tea or, indeed, chamomile, if you’re seeking a little sleeping solace. I have whiskey in the house, but no bourbon (and I do think that Jim Beam would be a delightful choice in this scenario), but now have a good (and health-giving) reason to buy some.

If you try this recipe, please tell me what you think!

The Limited’s British line

The Limited Red White & Brit

The Limited has unveiled their new arrivals and it’s a lot of British mod styling and red, white and blue. Graphics and patterns galore! Love it.